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Understanding the working of a VHF antenna is very necessary to know its benefits for communication. These antennas are important while installing VHF. They also help to improve the quality of communication on boats and other shore stations. VHF antennas help to give a radiator for the power.

While selecting a VHF FTS antenna, you have to be very careful. This antenna must work in every kind of weather. In this blog, we will discuss everything related to VHF antenna and the things to consider while selecting VHF antennas.

Construction of VHF antenna

VHF ATC Antenna is mainly made from high-quality fiberglass or stainless steel. There is a short 3dB stainless steel for masthead mounting. This material gives a wider radiation pattern for a sailboat. Stainless whip antennas are also useful for small powerboats.

If you want a durable antenna, pick polyurethane antennas. These antennas include elements of stainless steel, copper, and brass to give better efficiency. Nylon ferrules are not as strong as polyurethane antennas.

Main elements inside VHF antenna 

The main element in the inner part of the VHF antenna is made from brass, copper, and coaxial cable. Antennas with brass and copper elements perform better than other antennas and are durable as well.

Factors to consider while selecting a VHF antenna

After discussing the main elements and construction of a VHF antenna, we will look at factors to look at while choosing an antenna. Read on to know the important factors to consider while choosing VHF antennas:

1. Gain of an antenna

One of the most important things to look for in VHF antennas is Antenna Gain. The Gain is related to its directivity. In simple words, directivity is the capacity of an antenna to focus energy in a particular direction rather than spreading out widely in every angle and direction.

Radiation efficiency is the parameter that determines the loss of VHF antennas. It has a value between 0 and 1.

2. Antenna Frequency

The next important thing to look at is antenna frequency. Bandwidth and frequency range are related to each other. The bandwidth of the antenna is the range of frequencies on which the antenna gets a parameter specification.

Some of the parameters specified include radiation pattern, gain, and VSWR. The common bandwidth parameter taken is VSWR. Bandwidth is known as the impedance bandwidth.

3. dB rating of the antenna

While choosing any VHF Log Periodic Dipole Antenna, you must consider its dB rating.  dB rating is the increase in transmitting power because of the power of the focused energy. Antennas with high Db ratings concentrate energy perpendicular to the antennas’ shaft in a disk-shaped field. This shape makes radio signals strong by the receiving stations nearby.

Disk-shape field will help to connect to several channels at one time. The broad radiation pattern of an antenna helps to send radio messages when a sailboat is traveling in rough waters.

4. Height of the antenna

The next thing to consider in High Gain Helical Antenna is its height. The antenna’s height will show the distance to which you can transmit radio signals. If VHF Anti Drone Antenna is placed high in a shop, it is capable to spot things located at a great distance.

5. Directional or omnidirectional

VHF Military Discone Antenna that can radiate and receive energy in all horizontal directions is termed an omnidirectional antenna. On the other hand, the antenna that focuses energy in one direction is directional.

You can choose an Omni-directional High Gain Tetra Antenna for applications that need all-around coverage. Contrary to that, the applications that need limited coverage can pick directional antennas.

6. Antenna placement

The next thing to consider while choosing a High Gain ATC Antenna is the placement of the antenna. You must consider line-of-sight, height, and distance between the antenna and the earth’s curvature to get a proper placement of the antenna. These are very important things to look in placement of an antenna.  

One must mount the antenna very high on the ship because of line-of-sight restrictions with VHF signals. The orientation of the antenna should match or be as close as possible.

Final words

These are some of the main elements that you must look at while choosing VHF antennas. VHF antennas are very useful for boats and ships that travel daily a long distance. They also help to send important messages quickly from one place to another.

It is easy to find genuine VHF Antenna manufacturer today online from the official sites. Now, you must have got an idea of the important elements in Jammer Antenna and the factors to consider while choosing VHF antennas. These factors will help you to pick the best VHF antenna for your boats and get smooth communication in times of emergencies.

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