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Writing a college admission essay is not an easy task. Many students are faced with a stressful task of applying for college. There is much pressure on both students and their families.

Although college admission essays are important, future students tend to put too much effort into writing their admission essays.

From this reason, we will provide you a short ‘how to’ instruction which will help you write your admission essay to Atlanta colleges.

Introduce Yourself

Most applicants fall into the trap of being too comprehensive. Your admission essay is not your biography. Its purpose is to introduce yourself and boost your college admission chances.

So, your first task is to introduce yourself.

Quickly tell something about yourself, why are you applying to this college and why you think it is the right choice for you.

List Your Skills

After the introduction, you should list your skills. Don’t try to be too formal. Instead, talk about your interests, experience, and most importantly, your vision. Explain what matters to you and what motivates you.

Try to list only a handful of skills you think are essential. Again, your admission essay should not be a biography.

Check Admission Requirements

Most Atlanta colleges will have specific admission requirements. Be sure to check all the requirements before you even start writing your essay.

Surprisingly or not, many applicants disregard the requirements and guidelines. By respecting admission requirements, you demonstrate that you are responsible and prepared to follow regulations.

Be Original

Everyone is different. Your essay should have a unique voice and tell your story. Don’t merely copy others. Admission officers will appreciate an essay that says something about you.

One of the best ways to be original is to include a story from a unique angle. Tell something about your interests and hopes for the future, especially your expectations of college life.

Atlanta colleges prefer applications with a unique voice. You will have more chances if you distinguish yourself from other applicants.

Mention Something About the College You Are Applying To

It is useful to demonstrate your knowledge about the institution you are applying to. Be sure that you say this in the context of your interests and/or academic qualifications.

It does not necessarily have to be something about the history of the college. You can always write something about your understanding of the college as an educational institution.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is that has motivated you to apply to the given college?
  • Why have you applied to this college and not any other?
  • Is there something particular about the college? What made you decide you want to study there?

Use a Distinct Style

Your writing style tells much about your personality. Using a distinct style of writing helps your essay stand out.

Your college admission essay should be direct and personal and written from your perspective. Don’t be too serious, though. At certain points, it might be good to consider using humor or tell an anecdote.

Don’t take yourself too seriously, and remember that your essay is only one part of your college admission process.

Avoid Lengthy Descriptions

Some colleges have clearly define length limits for the essays.

This limit usually goes between 650 and 1000 words. Georgia Tech University, for example, uses Common Application and a maximum of 650 words.

You need to respect the word limit. Avoid lengthy descriptions. Admission clerics receive hundreds of applications every day. Your admission essay has to be effective. Include only relevant information.

Pay Attention to Grammar

Ideally, you should avoid long sentences. Where possible, make your sentences shorter than 20 words. It is important to be effective and convey a clear message in your essay.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid vague constructions and anything which might confuse the reader.
  • Where possible, use active voice.
  • Pay attention to proper spelling and punctuation.
  • Use a grammar checking software to make sure your essay is error-free.

Just Be Yourself

The most common mistake applicants make when writing their college admission essay is trying to impress.

It is important to realize that you do not have to inflate your achievements, experience or academic credentials.

In fact, admission officers know how to recognize an insincere essay. You will give an impression of dishonesty, and that is not a good way to present yourself.

Instead of trying to impress others with your essay, be yourself. Remember that colleges want to hear your story and not someone else’s.

Reread and Edit Your Essay

When you feel like your essay is completed, it’s time to reread it. Remove grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. Make sure your essay is correctly formatted.

If necessary, reread your essay more than once to make sure everything is OK. You will probably need to edit your essay more than once.

After you have finished editing your essay, you are good to go.


Colleges have different expectations, but almost all of them want to hear your story. Your essay is your chance to introduce yourself.

As most college admission essays are between 500 and 800 words long, you will need to be effective. Be thoughtful, original and creative and your essay will make a positive impact on admission officers