Dante Alex

Process essays allow you to present the process that you go/went through to your audience. Your audience can be a group of students, your instructor, or the general public. When talking about a process you are required to show the process in the steps required to complete the process, from start to finish.

Many students are not accustomed to this type of essay and usually end up consulting an paper writing service online for assistance. These students have in fact written process essays in the past, but only with a loose structure: they write process essays every time they have covered a project or activity in their schools such as a lab session report or a project methodology. 

Know your audience

Knowing your audience is important. It will give you an idea about the level of difficulty that will have in your writing. For a layman, you will have to explain every process without assuming that they know anything beforehand. For expert readers, you are expected to go into the details of the subject matter and use specialized vocabulary, demonstrating your knowledge of the subject. For example, a project methodology will include all the scientific terms and specialized vocabulary without an explanation, while a how-to article on the project for the general audience will not go into the specific details and go over the process explaining each and every process. All write my essay for me requests are processed fast at 5staressays.

Things to do and keep in mind

Make a list of the steps

The first thing that you should do is go over the process in your head and jot down the steps that must be taken to perform and complete a task. If there are several ways of doing a thing, you will note down each different way.

When in the writing phase make sure that you have explained each step clearly and have allowed for your reader to connect one part with another. Try to step into the readers’ shoes and ask yourself: what information would I need to understand the part better?

Organize the steps in a chronological order

Each of the steps needs to be set in a chronological manner so that the readers would know which step follows which. Your essay should be a timeline of the process and at no place should you retract to a previous step to add extra information or even a whole step. 

Provide only the necessary information

There is no need to add to the process, information that the readers and even the process can do without, the worst thing you can do in a process essay is to ramble or go off the topic. This will break the readers’ concentration and will make the process confusing. Looking for a professional custom essay writer? Send your query along with content details at 5staressays.

If you have analyzed the audience and done your homework then you will be able to get the right balance of over-explaining and under explaining things.

Keep your reader interested

It’s the job of the reader to keep the essay reader interested in the process. You can do this by not sounding like a manual and bring some variety into the writing. Using strong vocabulary, clear description, and creative tools you can keep your reader curious and interested.

Structure of the essay

The process essay starts with the introduction paragraph like all the essays. In the introduction, you tell the readers about the process: about the product at the start and the end product. The thesis statement will tell the readers the process that you are going to explain to them step by step.

The body paragraph will include all the steps of the process, with description, and explanation.

The conclusion will sum up the essay and restate the thesis and tell the reader how following the steps they can come up with the end product. All write my essay requests are dealt within a day.

Useful Resources:

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