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Learn Teen Patti Tricks & Be A Teen Patti King

Tips and Tricks are smart solutions that are used by players in every game. In fact, there are tips and tricks for almost every activity on this planet. We use tips and tricks to outsmart our opponents in the game for victory, whether we are playing card games or other types of games. In India, one of the most popular card games is Teen Patti. Along with Online rummy, teen patti is played by millions of Indians and many of them are professional players of the game.


Indians have been playing teen patti for centuries and many of them have mastered the game so well that they are fit to be called as a ‘teen patti king’. If you want to come up to this level, then you should know that it is not easy, but it is possible. If thousands of teen patti players have become a king in teen patti, then why not you?


Playing Teen Patti

If you are among those who don’t know to play teen patti, then you should read about how to play the teen patti game. This is crucial to know if you want to become a teen patti king. Besides in English, if you want to learn to play teen patti in Hindi, click here. Just like Indian rummy, you will learn the game in a matter of days.


Once you know all the rules of the game, start playing with practice games and then move on to the cash games. The fact that you can win real cash prizes, is a huge incentive why you should aim to master the teen patti game and become a teen patti king.


Teen Patti Tips & Tricks


What separates the top players of any card games from the average players? The top players regularly use tips and tricks to win the game. They also know which trick to use and when! This is crucial because some 
tricks are made for certain situations in the game. So, for becoming a king teen patti, read, learn and use the following tricks while playing teen patti:


The first tip for you about teen patti is to be used before even starting the game. Agree on the stakes accurately with all your opponents. When the game begins, there shouldn’t be any confusion or cheating.


If you want to be a teen patti king, you should know that teen patti is like a test match, it is not a T20 game or even an ODI game. Begin with small bets and then slowly increase them.


A crucial tip for becoming a king in teen patti, is that you should play blind. Most amateur players are restless, they see their cards and give themselves away. You should avoid doing this, or a loss is near.


While playing teen patti, you should control your emotions. It becomes difficult for players who are emotional, to make informed and correct decisions.


Besides the above point, a good teen patti king will also not be too expressive. You should avoid giving hints about your cards, which cards you want, or strategies, to your opponents.


On the other hand, this tip says that you should study and analyse your opponents. Try to know their gameplay, their cards, their strategy, etc. this will greatly help you to make a counter plan or strategy to defeat them, and gradually become a king in teen patti.


If you have any, never reveal or indicate your weak cards. Always keep your cards to yourself, and also confuse your opponents so much, that they will fold.


In the quest to become a teen patti king, you shouldn’t be afraid to take any risk. If you have no option but to use the compromise option, then use it! Good players use it whenever they need to.


You should know one amazing fact about teen patti, one which all the king-level players affirm while playing.


There is no such concept as ‘weak cards’ in teen patti. Know this and you will be on your way to becoming a king at teen patti gaming.


Whenever you are in doubt about folding, just fold! Even after you fold, the game is not over for you. Keep observing the gameplay of your opponents. With this, you will understand their strategies, playing style, etc. and this tip will greatly help you in your next game. A smart tip to become a teen patti king.


Be ready for any outcome in teen patti. Not a single player keeps on winning every match. You may lose some matches, but you shouldn’t get affected by them. Learn from your mistakes and go for a win in the next game. This way, you are still on the right path to becoming a king in teen patti game.


That’s not all! Teen patti players are known to make their own tricks, esp. the ones who are the kings of the teen patti game. The above tricks were also made by someone, so even you can make new and custom tricks to use in the game for winning. A teen patti king will always look for ways to win the game, and that includes using strategies and tricks at the right time for the right situation, some of which will be custom-made.


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Monday, 22 January 2024