
In the USA most businesses, especially small businesses do find preparing taxes stressful. One little mistake and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), plus the State or local municipality can come calling at the door via a very frightening notice. Most small businesses need assistance and guidance when tax season rolls around.

Stressing out over taxes in Illinois, only makes the situation worse as then mistakes can be made! With this in mind, Susan S. Lewis, Ltd., with a range of qualified tax specialists has put together a great guide chockful of tax tips that are helpful, current, and will alleviate stress and mistakes.

The guide, appropriately called, “Top 10 Smart Tax Filing Tips for Small Business in 2022 to Make Taxes Less Stressful” is filled with the latest and greatest tax filing advice. It also is written in plain simple language, which makes it easy to understand for all types of businesses, from art shops to restaurants, and everything in between.

Bigger businesses many times have an accountant on staff, while small businesses do not, and keeping track of revenues and expenses can get lost in the process. The guide produced by Susan S. Lewis, Ltd., covers all this, plus little-known facts on involving family members in a business to cut costs and increase tax deductions.

Daily operations of small business owners can consume them and this guide entails advice on finding a good accountant also, who can be called or consulted when needed. Some accountants welcome small businesses while others cannot be bothered and finding a great fit in an accountant is crucial in avoiding tax filing mistakes.

The advice on small business tax filing tips does not stop with the guide that Susan S. Lewis, Ltd. provides as there is a contact email and form on the website, as well as a blog that delves deeper into tax issues. No two businesses are alike and the guide is a good starting point but when concerns arise, this firm knows that business owners need answers ASAP.

Of course, there is a phone number to call, and all staff is CPAs who can represent individuals in federal and state issues if the need arises over taxes. Payroll services are also offered for those smaller businesses that are already doing payroll as mistakes in payroll should be avoided at all costs.

There is no reason to procrastinate on tax filing in Illinois with the Susan S. Lewis, Ltd. team and tax tips available to anyone in the area. Even personal taxes can be tackled if an individual dreads doing taxes and many in the USA do dread this.

It is quite possible and really probably that small businesses that are knowledgeable about taxes can receive rebates instead of paying into federal, state, and local governments. But knowledge about taxes and a good tax accounting firm such as Susan S. Lewis, Ltd. is needed to ensure successful filing and guidance through the process.




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