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Most families that own garages take full advantage of their benefits. More than just one’s vehicles are often kept stowed away in a garage. You may have boxes of Christmas decorations or other seasonal items kept on shelves. Or you may be like a lot of homeowners and use a portion of your garage for tools and other items to help you maintain your home and residential projects. Whatever uses you personally get out of your garage, what you store in there is, no doubt, important to you and your loved ones.

Keeping your garage safe is an important component of home security that homeowners should not neglect. There are plenty of practical and inexpensive solutions that you can use today to help increase your garage security. To make sure your garage and the items within that you hold dear remain secure, follow the garage security tips below.

Install a Garage Door Lock

One of the best ways you and your family can increase your garage security is to install a garage door lock. Specialty garage door locks are made to help you secure your garage. Especially for non-automatic garages that do not have motors, getting an extra lock for your garage door may be a necessity.

For non-automatic garage doors that do not have a locking mechanism built in, t-handle locks are very popular. You have likely seen these on garage doors. They sit in the center and at the bottom of a garage door and work with a regular key. They are shaped like a letter “t”, thus giving them their fitting name. The specific shape allows you to easily grab the door handle and pull up to open the garage.

A second popular option is a simple sliding garage door lock, which is also made for non-automatic garage doors. Slide locks are very affordable and simple to install. They work as their name implies and a small level can be pushed to the side when positioned on the garage door correctly to prevent the garage door from being lifted. These locks are placed on the inside of the garage, as opposed to t-handle locks.

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