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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, effective SEO strategies are vital for driving organic search growth and improving search engine rankings. As we dive into 2023, staying ahead of SEO trends is crucial for ensuring your website remains visible and competitive. Lets we'll explore the latest SEO trends and provide actionable tips to boost your website's traffic and online presence.

1. Embrace User-Centric SEO: In 2023, SEO is all about catering to user intent and providing a seamless user experience. Google's algorithms are becoming increasingly sophisticated in understanding user behaviour. Ensure your website offers valuable, relevant content that satisfies user queries.

2. Optimize for Mobile-First Indexing: With the majority of internet traffic coming from mobile devices, it's imperative to have a mobile-friendly website. Google now primarily indexes and ranks mobile versions of websites, making mobile optimization a top priority.

3. Voice Search Optimization: As voice-activated devices continue to gain popularity, optimizing your content for voice search is essential. Focus on natural language queries and create FAQ-style content to address common voice search queries.

4. Core Web Vitals and Page Speed: Google prioritizes websites with excellent page speed and user experience. Optimize your website's loading times and ensure it meets Core Web Vitals benchmarks for metrics like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

5. High-Quality Content Creation: Content remains king in SEO. Create informative, well-researched, and engaging content that addresses your target audience's needs. Long-form content performs well in search results.

6. Utilize Schema Markup: Schema markup enhances the visibility of your content in search results by providing rich snippets of information. Implement structured data to make your content more appealing to search engines and users.

7. Local SEO and Google My Business: For businesses with a physical presence, optimizing for local SEO is crucial. Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing, gather reviews and ensure your NAP (Name, Address, Phone) information is consistent across the web.

8. Video SEO: Video content continues to grow in popularity. Optimize your videos for search by providing detailed descriptions, transcripts, and engaging thumbnails. Hosting videos on platforms like YouTube can also drive organic traffic.

9. Secure Your Website (HTTPS): Security is a ranking factor. Ensure your website is secure by migrating to HTTPS. Google often prioritizes secure websites over non-secure ones.

10. E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness): Google places a high value on E-A-T. Establish your expertise in your niche, build authoritative backlinks, and create trustworthiness by citing reliable sources and maintaining a transparent online presence.

11. User Engagement and Dwell Time: Monitor user engagement metrics like bounce rate and dwell time. Improve user engagement by creating compelling, interactive content that keeps visitors on your site longer.

12. Regularly Audit and Update Your SEO Strategy: SEO is an ongoing process. Regularly audit your website for technical issues, update your content, and adapt to changes in search engine algorithms.


In 2023, staying on top of SEO trends and implementing effective strategies is essential for increasing website traffic. By focusing on user-centric SEO, mobile optimization, and providing high-quality content, you can enhance your organic search growth and search engine rankings. Keep evolving your SEO approach to remain competitive in the dynamic digital landscape.

Discover More : How To Increase Website Traffic With SEO In 2023?

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In today's digital era, establishing a robust online presence has become crucial for local businesses.

SEO involves a sustained effort to optimize your website for relevant keywords, aiming for higher organic rankings in search results. In contrast, PPC entails bidding on keywords to display your ads prominently on SERPs.

Determining which strategy is more effective for your local business depends on your objectives.


SEO is an excellent choice for local businesses aiming to establish a lasting online presence. It facilitates attracting new customers actively searching for products or services like yours, bolstering brand reputation over time.

However, it's important to note that SEO requires patience, as significant organic search rankings may take months or even years to materialize.


PPC proves advantageous for local businesses seeking rapid lead generation or sales. When running a PPC campaign, your ads immediately appear at the top of SERPs for your chosen keywords. This allows you to engage potential customers already interested in your offerings.

Yet, it's worth considering that PPC can incur substantial costs, especially when competing for popular keywords. Careful budget management is essential to avoid overspending.

Choosing the Right Approach

Selecting the most suitable approach hinges on your circumstances. SEO is the preferred route if your objective is to cultivate a strong and enduring online presence. However, PPC offers a more immediate solution if you require swift lead generation or sales.

Explore furtherSEO Vs PPC - Which Is Better? Differences, Pros, Cons

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A successful Google ads campaign asks for more than just running ads- it demands providing relevant and specific experiences that engage your target audience. Imagine a world where every keyword holds the same weight and the people who pay more money controls the advertising world. Fortunately, in reality, Google places a higher value on relevance rather than bidding power. If you achieve a higher quality score then Google recognizes the usefulness and the purpose of your ad and landing page. This translates into giving you the benefits like lower costs and improved ad placements.

But the question now arises that how to identify the score for your ad. That’s where Google Ads Quality Score plays a significant role. Below is the article, you’ll discover 360° criteria of Quality Score. Learn how to check your score, understand its significance, and unveil the hidden tips to improving a low score for better outcomes

Google Ads Quality Score: What actually it is?

Google Ads Quality Score is a metric that evaluates the relevance and quality of your ads and landing pages, impacting your ad performance and cost. It's like a digital report card that determines how well your ads resonate with your target audience. In short, it reflects Google's perception of your campaign's quality based on various signals. This numerical score, ranging from 1 to 10, indicates higher performance and alignment with audience expectations.

Quality Score is defined by 3 essential factors:

ü  How likely are users to click on your ad based on the relevance of the keyword?

ü  Ensuring your ad aligns well with the keyword for maximum relevance.  

ü  Creating a seamless user experience that matches the ad's messaging and intent.

3 Easiest Ways to check your Google Ads Quality Score

To optimize your advertising campaigns, it is important to regularly check your Google Ads Quality Score.  If you are wondering how to check the quality score in Google ads, below are three simple and effective ways to assess the quality score of your Google ads:

  1. Google Ads Account: Select the campaign you want to assess, and click on the "Keywords" tab. Here, you'll find a column labelled "Quality Score," which displays the score for each keyword.
  2. Google Ads editor: You can view and analyze quality scores in bulk via google ads editor, allowing you to make adjustments & manage your account more efficiently.
  3. Third-party tools: With the help of third-party tools & software, you can gather detailed insights about your quality scores, along with additional metrics & optimization recommendations. 

By regularly checking your Quality Score, you can identify areas for improvement, optimize your campaigns, and ultimately achieve better ad performance.

Read More : Google Ads Quality Score: What actually it is?

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6 Different Types of Google Ads - Which is Right f

Unless you are leaving under a rock in the past years, you may have seen all kinds of Google Ads without even realizing it. Perhaps you may have seen online sneakers sales while searching for running exercises. Or maybe you were searching for ethnic wear and a discount on a beautiful lehenga choli in the search results which led you to buy a pair. These are the Google Ads!

But when you are an agency or an online store, considering spending any amount of money on ads to reach your targeted audience, it is better to spend it in right place. Google Ads campaign puts a large extent of advertising tools at your fingertips. It also provides access to users of one of the largest search engines in the world: Google and YouTube, and a network of millions of websites to promote the firm.

Unfortunately, Google Ads look complicated at first because of their complex interface and stiff learning curve. resulting in which leads to many difficulties during campaign targeting and others.

Want to know which type of ad is best suited for your business marketing? Let's check out 6 Different types of Google Ads to match your goals.


1 Responsive Display Ad

Generating Brand Awareness

Google Display ads are Image-based ads and allow you to target people who are likely to be interested in your products but haven’t searched for them yet. Google Display ads can help you in introducing your business to a specific group of audiences who are likely to be interested in what you are selling. You can usually see the display ads while browsing your favourite websites. It can also appear on your google account, apps or in videos.


2 Standard Discovery Ad

Immersive and Interactive

Discovery ads are a type of google ad which appear on the google apps like YouTube, Google, and Gmail. Discovery ads help you put the best foot forward by using machine learning algorithms to identify customers' buying behaviour and deliver it to the targeted audiences. This approach identifies what customers want and timely conveys it on their feeds when they need it or are in search of it the most.


3 Performance Max Ad

Maximize the campaign performance

Performance max campaign is very adaptable as it utilizes automation and machine learning to help advertisers execute their specific conversion goals. Performance max offers a wide range of placements for the betterment of your objective. With machine learning and algorithms, Performance max is good at discovering new customers and new markets.


4 Responsive Search Ad

Attracting people who are in search of product

Google search ads are text ads that show on the search engine result pages. Responsive search ads are a type of ad where you can write multiple headlines and descriptions for your ad. the goal is to show different combinations of titles and descriptions for different users depending on their unique queries and search history. Responsive search ads are a simple and effective way to create an effective PPC strategy.


5 Shopping Ad

Advertise to Shoppers Ready to Buy

Google shopping ads are product-based ads and can be shown specifically for the search of products on google. Google shopping ads allow customers to search for, compare and shop for physical products from different retailers who have paid to advertise their products. Unlike search ads, Shopping ads show the image of the product along with its title, price, brand name and reviews. Practically, they provide the primary information about the product before the shopper visits the link.


6 App Install

Promote Your Apps

Do you have a mobile app for your business? With google ads, you can promote it with app install campaigns across Google’s largest properties like google play, YouTube and google display network. App install ads are designed to drive installs of your mobile apps from sources outside of app markets. App install campaigns push bulk downloads resulting in higher rankings in the app stores. They also help in organic traffic which leads to more downloads and exposure.

The ad format you choose in Google Ads depends on what your business needs to achieve and the target audience. Knowing and understanding the need of your audience is important for successful advertising results.

If your organization got impactful products or services and you want them to reach your desired audience, connect with TechEasify InfoTech to increase your website traffic and convert potential visitors into customers with a consistent boost in online sales.

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What can a Website do for your Business?

Reasons to choose a Web Development Company for your business

1. Customised Design Layout

2. Visual Properties

3. Latest Technologies

4. Reliability

5. Support & Maintenance

How can TechEasify Professionals Help You?

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Google Ads or Facebook ads? The most dilemmatic question asked to Digital Marketing Agency by almost every client. Well to begin with this answer, let’s understand the concept of both and the difference it causes to your advertising strategy. 

Facebook Ads and Google Ads are the two most important segments of pay-per-click marketing strategy. Both ad strategies are used by almost all Social Media Marketing Agencies.

Facebook Ads is an online advertising platform offered by Facebook that allows the advertisers to run paid advertisements on Facebook & Instagram. Whereas, Google Ads is a paid advertising tool offered by Google where advertisers can run various types of paid campaigns to increase their local listing rank, website sales, brand awareness, and much more. The Google ads are searched-based ads whereas the Facebook ads are interest-based ads. Hence, both (Facebook Advertising & Ads by google) are used for paid advertisement purposes, they have their own sets of features that make them apart.

What is Google Ads or Ads by Google?

Google Ads Formerly known as Google AdWords is an online pay-per-click advertising platform that works on the algorithm of search and search traffic obtained by the world’s largest search engine, Google. Generally, Google Ads are efficiently run by Ads Company to offer the most optimum results to their clients.

The Marketing agency analysis the algorithm of paid search offered by Google. Paid search relies on keyword targeting and the use of text-based adverts. Advertisers on Google bid on keywords, which are particular words and phrases contained in search queries input by Google users, in the expectation that their advertising would appear alongside search results for these keyword searches. The advertiser gets charged a fee every time a user clicks on an ad, hence the term "pay-per-click advertising is used for ads by google.

What is Facebook Ad?

Facebook has about 2.96 Billion active users who are active on the platform either through their personal profiles or business profiles. In the current scenario of the digital world and the high-end technological era, Facebook claims to be the most popular social media platform for businesses, Artists, and Individuals. Facebook isn't just used for entertainment purposes but it has adopted high-end artificial intelligence and has emerged as a flourishing advertisement platform. 

The Digital Marketing agency in Surat offers Facebook advertising which comprises developing and running ad campaigns using the Facebook Ads Manager tool to reach the target audience based on their geography, profile information, and demographics. In addition, it has the option of running your advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and/or Audience Network, as well as selecting your target device type (mobile or desktop). It also allows the Facebook ads agency in Surat to measure and assess the effectiveness of the ad campaigns in relation to clients’ requirements.

Since we have a clear idea of both concepts, let us understand the difference between the both and figure out which is best for your business and hire the best digital marketing services.

Difference between Google Ads and Facebook Ads

Working System

While both Facebook Ads and Google Ads are pay-per-click (PPC) advertising systems with competitive bidding, they function in quite different ways. Facebook Ads are paid social ads that appear on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and the Audience Network. In contrast, Google Ads are paid search adverts that show alongside Google's search results.

Targeting System

Both Facebook Ads and Google Ads allow you to target (retarget) certain audiences. Prospects are targeted by geography, gender, age, and economic level, among other criteria, across both platforms.

However, in terms of advanced targeting choices, Facebook is the superior alternative. Apart from the previously stated targeting methods, Facebook allows you to create audiences based on numerous behaviors and interests: for example, you might target vegetarian parents with children aged 6 to 10 with a household income of 5,00,000 to 10,00,000. So, if your target demographic is really specific, Facebook Ads will be an excellent strategy to boost your ad performance & result.

Facebook also has a great option called lookalike audiences, which allows you to advertise to people who are similar to your current audience. Facebook uses its existing data to connect its customers to other users who have similar interests, which may be a very successful choice for marketers.

Audience Size

Both Facebook and Google have massive reach. Facebook has an estimated 1.73 billion daily active users, but Google processes more than 5.8 billion queries each day. Mobile advertising-income accounts for about 90% of Facebook's total advertising revenue. However, your target audience is a clutter of people who use both platforms. As a result, making a decision solely based on audience size is not recommended. To understand how to use your ad campaigns on various channels, you must first comprehend two concepts:

Product Orientation: Determine if your product is social or search-oriented.

Target Audience Activity: Consider where the majority of your target audience spends most of their time.

If your product is brand new, Facebook is a better place to start building an audience.

Choosing between Facebook & Google is often difficult to choose since they have their own set of benefits and usage. In such a dilemmatic situation, it is recommended to hire a digital marketing agency to get a complete glimpse of which platform to use for your product/ service promotion.

TechEasify is a result-driven Digital Marketing Agency in Surat that provides a comprehensive package of digital presence services such as SEO, PPC, SMM, Web Designing, Graphic Designing, and Email Marketing to help businesses generate potential sales leads, increase brand awareness, website traffic, and e-commerce sales. We assist enterprises of all sizes in navigating the complexities of the digital environment in order to achieve massive outcomes.


  1. Free Ad Account Evaluation - We offer free Ad Account evaluation to enable the performance of digital purchasing advertisements to increase your business sales & revenue. If you want efficient sales results but are unsure about the investment, leave it all to us and get a standard ROI.
  2. In-house Creative Team of Professionals - Unique & Creative Ad Creatives are one of the important elements that hamper ad performance. Hence, to make sure our clients get the most creative Ad images, we have an in-house team of creative designers.
  3. Campaign Strategy - We curate the complete ad campaign for your product sales that matches your advertisement goals. We follow a complete chain of ad campaigns, right from concept creation to campaign execution to campaign evaluation to campaign reporting. 
  4. Partner Agency - We are a Google Partner (Google advertising agency in Surat) & Meta Facebook Partner agency (Facebook ads agency in Surat) that enables us to offer many perks of advertisements to boost your Ads ROI.

Google Ads and Facebook Ads are two wonderful alternatives for PPC advertising, and the two platforms work well together in many instances. If you advertise on both, make sure your campaign outcomes are carefully tracked so you know which channel is your top performer.

Do you have any queries regarding Google and Facebook ads? Feel free to get in touch with us or Visit our site:


To thrive through the business and be able to turn heads around the products and services the business has to offer, Marketing of high level and significant impact is required. Great and Creative Marketing would not only help a business to be able to reach a wider audience but will also make an impact on the people for them to be able to remember them for a long time. And to do that, what better way would be to do it other than Digital Marketing. Growing exponentially with time, Digital Marketing has quickly become the go-to marketing for businesses to reach a broader audience in their niche and make an immediate impact. But let us tell you, not everyone out there can do it with skills and strategies like the expert in the field do. Let's have a look at how one can be benefited by hiring an expert Facebook ads Agency in Surat to grow their sales.

When it comes to growing sales, many business owners believe that they can do it all on their own. While this may be true for some businesses, for most companies, associating with an expert Meta Business Agency Partner is the key to success.

Hiring a Facebook Meta Business Partner Agency to help grow sales can be a wise decision for businesses of all sizes. Meta business partner agencies in Surat, Gujarat, have the experience and expertise to help your company succeed in today's competitive market. Here's how they can be helpful.

Target Right Audience

An expert Facebook Ads Agency in Surat, Gujarat, understands how to target and reach your ideal customers. They have the experience and resources necessary to create a comprehensive marketing strategy that will help you reach your target market and grow your business.

Create Effective Marketing Strategies

Meta Business Partner Agency knows how to create effective marketing campaigns that produce results. They have the expertise and knowledge necessary to develop campaigns that generate leads and sales.

Improve Your Organic Reach

Organic Reach is significant when we are talking about social media. Yes, one can reach a wider audience by running ads, but not all businesses can afford to start with ads. That's where an Expert Meta Agency plays its role by using its techniques and strategies to improve your organic Reach. 

Better Customer Relationship Management

One of the underrated benefits that businesses get by associating with a Facebook Marketing Company is Customer Relationship Management. Agencies make sure that all queries that are generated in the social media message box are rightfully answered, and customers' queries get resolved. They continue to monitor the comments section and DM's in order to get engaged with the existing customers and new customers and indirectly drive traffic and leads to business.

Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management is a vital part of a business/brand to be able to reach the masses. If properly maintained and done at regular intervals, then it can create a very positive reputation for a brand otherwise can also play a spoilsport for them. That's where Meta Partner Agency have their prominent role to play and help the brand to maintain a positive outlook of them.

What is a Meta Business Partner Agency?

We have talked about how a Meta Business Partner Agency can help your business grow sales through its effective strategies and skills. But do you know what is a Facebook Meta Partnered Agency and what benefits they incur to be classified as Meta Partnered? Let's have a look at that aspect.

A Facebook Meta Business Partner Agency of Surat, Gujarat, is eligible for various benefits that Meta Association gives them and the good thing about this is that agencies can make use of these benefits for the success of their client's business and grow more revenue and sales. Some of these benefits include:

  • 1:1 Workshops and Consultations with Meta Experts
  • Access to various analytics tools for insights and reporting
  • Access to best and highly profitable campaign practices

How to Choose the Right Meta Business Partner Agency?

There are plenty of agencies out there in this competitive market that is partnered with Meta. But not everyone out there is capable of pulling the kind of results and sales you want for your business, and that's why one needs to be careful when planning to associate with a Facebook Meta Business Partner Agency. Have a look at the things you should be looking into before finalizing your association with an Agency:

- When looking for a Facebook Ads Agency in Surat, it is important to consider the company's size, services offered, and location. 

- The agency should be able to provide the necessary services to help the business grow, including online marketing, web design and development, and Ecommerce solutions. 

- It is also important to find a Facebook Marketing Company that is located in or near the business's target market so they can better understand the needs of their customers.

Why Hiring a Facebook Ads Expert is the Best Decision for Grow your Sales?

There are many reasons to hire a Facebook Ads Expert in Surat, Gujarat. By working with an experienced partner, businesses can grow their sales and improve their bottom line. Expert agencies have the knowledge and resources necessary to help companies reach their target markets. They also have the skills to create effective marketing campaigns that produce results. An expert, Meta Business Partner Agency, can help businesses expand into new markets. The agency will conduct research to identify potential new markets and then develop a plan to penetrate those markets. The agency will also provide support in terms of staff training, marketing materials, and logistics. An expert meta business partner agency can also help businesses improve their online presence. The agency will work with the company to create a website that is both effective and attractive to customers. The agency will also develop a social media strategy that will help the company reach more customers online.


It's never a bad idea to get connected with an expert when it comes to increasing business sales. Connecting with a Meta Recognized Business Partner Agency similar way would be for the betterment of your business, and one can expect to see positive results once the association gets done. 

At TechEasify, located in Surat, Gujarat, we are one such Meta Business Partner Agency. We help our clients to maintain a strong brand presence over social media through our innovative and creative campaigns and drive audience engagement. We have been able to generate great revenue and sales for our valuable clients from different industries through our best-practiced strategies and our experience over several years. So, if you want to maintain an incredible and seamless social media presence and want to grow exponentially in your business through Meta Advertising, do get connected with the best Meta Partnered Business Agency in Surat, Gujarat.



Are you in Search of a Shopify Development Company but confused about how to pinpoint a top Shopify Web Development Company in Surat, Gujarat? Put all your confusions and dilemmas to rest as we are here with a complete article on Shopify Development Companies on how to select them, why you should hire them, the advantages of Shopify Platform, and much more. 

Online E-Commerce Store until late 2019 was an option; fast forward to the present day, it is a Necessity. With such a large number of audiences actively available on the Internet, almost all brands have set up their stores online, and upcoming brands have their first sight on the Online Network to boost sales upfront. When we talk about the Online E-Commerce Platform, the first and foremost name that comes to everyone’s mind is Shopify. Simple, Easy, and Reliable; these are the major reasons why businesses prefer it. Let’s have a look at the pointers that you should be looking at before choosing a top Shopify Web Development Company in Surat, Gujarat, for their Shopify Development Services:

 1. Knowing Your Requirement and Preparing a Brief

Before jumping into the associations with a Shopify Development Agency in Surat having Shopify Development Experts, it is recommended for a business at first to know at a basic level what kind of output they require from the Company. Having a base established in that sense will help the Company understand your requirements better, and working on it, they can present a proper blueprint plan on how to start the work and help your business to grow.

 2. Look at their Previous Work

It is always helpful whenever you are associating with a Company for Shopify Development to check how they fared previously and what kind of work they have managed to deliver. Always look for the companies who have delivered high-end work that is eye-catching and noteworthy. Testimonials and Reviews from their previous clients, if available, would certainly speak a lot about their caliber.

 3. Project Timeline and Deliverables

Getting on the same page about the project timeline and discussing deliverables is as important as finalizing the e-commerce store features and functionalities. An E-Commerce store can have n number of features, but without proper timelines & deliverables, nothing is useful. That is why it is important to have dates locked on different things and how they will get developed, tested, and made live with the Expert Team of Shopify Developers.

 4. Affordable Pricing

Pricing is a very important aspect that one has to look after when choosing a top Shopify Web Development Company in Surat, Gujarat for their Shopify Development Services. There will be very good companies out there charging a decent amount of money for some of the services, while there would be some who would do it cheaply. But always make sure to go for quality over quantity as an E-Commerce Store setup, if done properly, would serve you for many long years of the Future.

 5. Proper Communication

Communication is a thing that can make a difference in a considerable manner. If communication is established adequately between Shopify Developers and Business Stakeholders, things can turn out as visualized and smoothly. But if there is a lack of it, then it doesn’t take time for things to go haywire. So, before coming onto finalizing a Shopify Development Agency in Surat, Gujarat with Shopify Experts, make sure that you get connected with their main concern person.

Why Shopify is the Best eCommerce Development Platform?

Although there are wide ranges of E-Commerce Platform available out there in the market but hands down, one of the best E-Commerce Platform which is popular today is Shopify. Let’s see what makes Shopify a No Brainer when it comes to E-Commerce Store Setup:

- Ease of Installation and Setup

- Rich with Features and Functionalities

- Payment Gateway Integration without much hassle

- Advanced Security Features to prevent Hacking and Data Loss

- Support for Multiple Languages

- Third-Party App Integrations and Mobile Friendliness

These are some of the rich benefits that make Shopify a go-to platform when it comes to Online E-Commerce Store Setup. If you are a Business and looking for a team of Shopify Expert Developers in Surat to make an Online E-Commerce Store for you, at any time, you can get connected with Tech Easify - the Top Shopify Web Development Company in Surat, Gujarat.

Shopify Services Advantages

We hope that it is clear in your mind what Shopify is and what it brings to the table for the Businesses looking to sell their products on the Online Platform. Let’s have a glimpse at the Pros of Shopify:


- Simplicity in terms of Design and UI.

- 24*7 Support

- Lots of themes to choose from

- SEO Friendly to drive Traffic Comfortably

- No Extra Server Maintenance Fees

- Offering Gift Cards Concept

How much does it cost to set up a Shopify store?

The initial setup cost of setting up the Online Shopify Store is crucial and time taking. The Planning & Execution should be proper. One can hire a dedicated Freelancer in order to set up and maintain the store.

TechEasify - Shopify Development Agency in Surat, Gujarat, charges cost for the whole project cost-effectively as per the requirements. The major benefit while getting associated with an established company would be that they would assign a dedicated team to work on your project and would work on every minute detailing in order to make the best out of it. And their work won’t be over after setting up the Store once, but they would continuously strive to achieve excellent results by updating and maintaining the store as per requirements.

Final Words:

Shopify is one of the major and the most trustable platform when it comes to Online Selling of Products. With the kind of flexibility and user experience it offers, it is much recommended to the businesses looking for Online Store Setup to choose Shopify as a Platform. Yes, as everything has, it too has its own pros and cons, but at the end of the day, the pros heavily outweigh the cons part.

Throughout the article, we talked about various aspects revolving around the Shopify Platform, and in detail, we have paid attention to look at the points one should look into before hiring a Shopify Web Development Company in Surat Gujarat. So, if you are a Business Owner and Looking to sell your products through an Online Store, Shopify can be your best Partner. If you wish to get it done from a well-established company with Shopify Experts in Surat, get connected with TechEasify and scale your shopify store.

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When it comes to Marketing, Nowadays, Online Marketing is making noise for all the right reasons, and everybody out there wants to do it. But not everyone knows from whom to take valuable services of Online Marketing and who can serve them better. We all know that when it comes to Online World, Google is the Master of it, and everyone knows what position Google holds in the modern-day world. So, when you encounter an Agency that labels itself as an Official Google Certified Partner Agency, that should be enough of a signal of what amount of work they can provide to you. A Google Certified Agency is itself such a huge trust factor that you may not need to look for further more details. Let’s first understand what a Google Ads Partner Agency does truly mean?

What is a Google Partner?

Google Partner is a program provided by Google where Marketing Company/Agency professionals can attain an expertise badge certified by Google. But mind you, it is not easy to become an official partner of Google; one needs to pass various Google Ads Certification exams and must show utmost proficiency in Google Ads. 

Google Partner Badge acts as a great trust factor for marketing agencies, especially for those who carry out SEO, PPC Campaigns on larger levels. As such, accolades can help them attract high ticket clients, plus Google would also make sure that they stay updated with the latest happenings in the background by constantly providing them learnings. Learning’s derived through it, later on, can be implemented into clients’ projects to carry out effective marketing campaigns. 

Five benefits to work with Google Partner Agency

Online Marketing is the current trend of the Modern-day, and with the competition that we have now on our hands and expected to rise, it is important to place your products rightly. A thing that a Google Certified Partner Agency would always take care of, and with the right strategies and techniques would place your brand on the first page of Google Search. Not only is this, but there are also various other advantages that a Google Publisher Partner Agency will bring along with itself. Lets’ have a detailed look at them:

Stakeholders of Your Projects would be Certified

One of the major and most important benefits that one will encounter by associating with a Google Ads Certified Partner Agency would be that all the stakeholders of the Projects would be professionals certified by Google. And mind you, not all the agencies would be such highly qualified to have Google Certifications, so the one with it would be amazingly good. The Certifications of Google acquired by stakeholders would be updated one, and you can rest assured that Google will always make sure that they are otherwise, they can withdraw its Badge.

You can Beat Your Competitors

The Partner Agencies of Google have a rich advantage of being a Google Partner. With that they can have beta versions of upcoming updates to Google Search Engine and Google Analytics dashboard. By using the beta version and experimenting with it, Partner Agencies can reap the rewards for it once it is formally launched by Google. This way, one can beat the competitors with ease.

Best Industry Standards

As magnificent as it seems to be a Google Certified Partner Agency, it is as tough as it can get. Being a partner of a Web Giant like Google means you need to follow each and every practice set by the company and abide by the rules; otherwise, at any given point in time Partner badge can be taken off. The good thing that this does is that agencies become more professional and get the work done according to Industry Standards.

Quick Response Time

When there is a situation with Google Tools and Dashboard or any complex error arises while running campaigns, being Google Publisher Partner is bliss. Being a partner, Google tends to respond to your queries/errors earlier and quicker while, in return, reducing the downtown for the projects of the Client. 

Great Customer Support

Google makes sure with regular interval reviews that Partner agencies are carrying out campaigns in a proper way or not. They regularly review the accounts, which in return helps partner agencies to verify they are delivering quality results to their clients or not. This way associating with Certified Google Partner can help you with getting desired results with utmost precision.

Contact Google Partner Company Today

So, we hope till now you would have been clear about the fact that Certified Google Partner are the go-to Agencies when you decide to market your business through Online Marketing. Google Partner Agencies work directly with Google, so with that thing under their armor, they make sure to use every penny of your budget with utmost sincerity. 

At TechEasify, we are one such Google Certified Partner Online Marketing Agency located in Surat to serve our valuable clients. We have experts for your dedicated projects who have years of experience under their belt and have been certified by Google itself. At TechEasify, we provide all kinds of Google Services like PPC Campaigns, Campaign Management, YouTube Advertising, Display Advertising, Shopping Ads, Search Engine Marketing, etc. and strive to stitch together a campaign whose results speak for themselves. 

So, if you are looking for a Google Ads Certified Partner Agency to raise your business through ranks, then with TechEasify, you have an able partner to associate with. 

Let’s Together take your Business to Newer Heights with TechEasify!


Choosing the Best SEO Services Provider Agency in Surat, India, is a challenging uphill task, selection of which, would ultimately decide the fate of your business’s website and it’s ranking on the Google Search Engine.

To be able to generate Business through marketing, it is a preliminary requirement to have a good search engine optimization campaign. But, as every Business knows how much importance SEO provides, it is difficult to tap on the SEO results as everyone wants to be on the top of the search in their own domain. Therefore, to get ahead of everyone in your business, it is of utmost priority that one associate with a marketing agency that can take up the daunting SEO task with a good positive approach and strategies. Now the question here would arise how to get associated with the Best SEO Services Provider Agency in Surat, India, when one has plenty of options to choose from. To make your association a little simpler, here we will be going to look at the things that you as a Business should look for in an agency before associating with them:

Start from their Own Den – Their Website & Rankings

While hiring a Digital Marketing SEO Services Provider Agency in Surat for your own Business Website, first look at the Agency's ranking you are going to associate with. Please take a look at how they fare out among their competitors and where do they rank. If they themselves are not able to rank on their business keywords, then there are chances that they would also not be able to help you with your cause. Get through their Website and take a deep look at how they have been maintained it and how appealing and user-friendly you felt while going through it because ultimately, if one would like the Website at first glance, then only they would be driven to spend more time on Website.

Have a Glance at their Portfolios

In order to get a fair idea of if they would be able to deliver what they are communicating, having a look at their present and past client's data would give you a clearer picture. Going through previous clients' statistics and results will help you to understand what they plan for, how they achieve it through strategies, and what results do their strategies can give as a final output. By doing so, you would have a concrete idea of what you as a Business should be expecting from the Agency.

Quick Results Doesn't Exist in Search Engine Optimization

Yes, we do know that Online Advertising is comparatively cheaper than any other mode of Advertising, but that doesn't mean that doing SEO for a few days and you would start expecting results. SEO is a long-term process and takes weeks to show fruitful results, and you should stay away from the agencies who guarantee you results over one-time money. You should always enter into Quarterly or Yearly contracts when it comes to SEO so that you and the firm both have data on hand to decide the next set of events.

Ask for Consultation First

Before signing on the agreement, it is important for you to meet all the stakeholders of your project and, if possible, the main person SEO Specialist who would be handling the SEO duties of your Website in order to have the right idea of what that process they are having after an initial process of website examination. Some agencies would also offer you with a free website audit report and would also present the keywords that the competitors are focusing on and ranking on and how they plan to tackle them. Such reports and data form a key part when it comes to SEO, and you should have a proper focus on them to excel further.

Strength of the Team

When it comes to SEO and Ranking on Google on different keywords, it's not a One Man Show. SEO is teamwork, and without a solid team base, no Digital Marketing Agency in Surat would be able to generate the desired results. So, it's important to know the team strength of the Agency that you are outsourcing your project to in order to get favorable results. 


How does SEO Services Help Your Business Growth in 2022?

Doing SEO in simpler terms means increased visibility of your Business in the current online world. More visible your Business to the audience, more amount traffic does your Website get, and in return, sales of your Business gets increased. In order to be more visible and to generate more business, one would need to know what audience is searching for, what do they need, what keywords they are searching and what content they need. For all these, an SEO Expert Agency with proper SEO Strategy in Surat, India can be really helpful for your Business, and properly done SEO Services can help you with various business benefits. Lets' have a look at how SEO Services does help your Business Growth in 2022:


 Organically, you can generate more amount of Quality Leads.

 It's totally free to rank first up on Google.

 Organically placed top brands are trusted more by People.

 Results can be measured by you at regular time intervals.

 You will always be ahead of your competition.

 Relationships with other Website Stakeholders can be Built.

 Quality traffic is attracted towards the Website.

 User Experience of the Website is Maintained.


What is Included in SEO & Why is it Important?

With a full contract of SEO, including topics in it are On-Page SEOOff-Page SEOTechnical SEO, and Local SEO Services. On-Page SEO stands for the changes in the internal side of the Website according to keywords and amalgamation of it whereas Off-Page SEO activities are a continuous process also known as Link Building Process where SEO Specialist Team constantly strives to acquire more and more positive affirmations for the Website through backlinks with the ultimate goal to generate more number of quality backlinks than that of Competitor. Technical SEO refers to loading speed, errors, etc.… related to the Website as due to such issues bounce rate of the users can increase, which would not be beneficial for the health of the Website. Local SEO Services for small businesses include optimizing Google My Business through keywords to attract local traffic to the Website. All these are the main pillars of SEO, and if any of the ones are fragile, then there are high chances of you not getting desired results for your Website. That's how important all three of them are.

So, we hope reading until now, you would have been clear on how to select the Right Digital Marketing Agency for the SEO of your Business and how SEO can benefit your Business Growth with this article. So, if you are someone who is looking for an SEO Services Provider Agency in Surat, India to do Organic Activities of your Website, then at TechEasify with an experienced and motivated team of talented individuals of SEO Experts in Surat with proper SEO Strategy, we would be the perfect stakeholders of your long term project Vision. So get connected with us Now!